If your employee contacts you informing you that their income tax rate is too high on their payslip that what is indicated on Skat. There are two primary reasons:
1) The employee has just updated his preliminary income assessment and Salary has not received the updated tax card from Skat yet. It may take a few days for Skat to send us the next tax card after the preliminary income assessment has been updated.
2) Most often, however, there is another reason: Salary withholding, which is a new way for the government to collect personal debts:
As an employer, you are not notified if / when this happens, so it can be difficult to know.
For additional information, you can check out the link below:
How the employee can check what has been deducted from their salary to pay their personal debt:
Log in to tastselv.skat.dk
Select ''Skatteoplysninger''
On the left hand side choose ''Søg i Indkomstoplysninger''
In the section ''Lønindeholdelse'', select: ''Vis evt. Lønindeholdelse for år''
Choose ''Hent oplysning''