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Bookkeepingaccounts in Salary
Bookkeepingaccounts in Salary

What does Salary post on which accounts?

Veronika Wisniewski avatar
Written by Veronika Wisniewski
Updated over 2 weeks ago

When you set up your bookkeeping integration in Salary, you will have to inform Salary about which accounts to post what on. Here you will get an overview of which accounts need to be specified and what Salary will post on these accounts.

When setting up your bookkeeping integration it is necessary to specify these accounts even though you do not think it may be relevant for your company. By informing us about what to post on which account, you will make sure that each payroll is posted in your bookkeeping system without problems

AM-indkomst (AM-income)

(An expense in the financial account)

On this account Salary will post the sum of the wage expenditure for your employees when wages are paid out. Some parts of the wage are, however, specified on the following expenditure accounts

Personalegoder (Staff benefits)

(An expense in the financial account)

On this account Salary will post the expenditure towards staff costs/benefits, which the company pays. I.e. the company can pay for an employee's fitness subscription, their mobile phone, etc. If the employee him/herself pays for these benefits instead of the company, then this will be posted on the 'AM-indkomst' account, since it, from the company's perspective, can be interpreted as wage.

Feriepenge (Holiday Pay)

(An expense in the financial account)

If you have got employees, who do not receive any wage during their holidays, then they will receive 12.5% of their monthly wage in 'feriepenge' instead. This amount will be posted on this account.

Ferietillæg (Holiday Supplement)

(An expense in the financial account)

If you have got full-time employees, it is mandatory to pay these employees at least 1% in holiday supplement. When the holiday supplement is paid out via. Salary, then the expense will be posted on this account. Note that provisions for holiday supplement are posted on an ongoing basis. The provisions are posted on the account 'skyldig feriepenge' and the value of this account will be written down, as the holiday supplement is paid out.

Medarbejder-ATP og arbejdsgiver-ATP (Employee's contribution to ATP and employer's contribution to ATP)

(Expense in the financial account)

If you are obliged to pay ATP-contributions, then Salary will post the employee's contribution and the employer's contribution to ATP on this account.

Medarbejderbetalt pension og arbejdsgiverbetalt pension (Employee's and employer's contribution to pension)

(Expense in the financial account)

On the two accounts Salary will post the total pension. In this post I split between the employer's contribution and the employee's contribution

Kørselsgodtgørelse (Allowance for driving)

(Expense in the financial account)

If the employee has received an allowance for any driving, it will be posted on this account.

Rejsegodtgørelse (Allowance for travel)

(Expense in the financial account)

If the employee has received an allowance for traveling, the expense for this will be posted on this account.

Barsel (Maternity leave)

(Expense in the financial account)

If expenses in relation to maternity leave occur, Salary will post these on this account.

B-honorar (B-remuneration)

(Expense in the financial account)

On this account Salary will post expenses for B-remuneration to freelancers.

Lønsystem (Payroll system)

(Expense in the financial account)

If you use Salary Basic or Premium and you have approved a payroll, then you pay for your usage of Salary. If you pay for using Salary, we will post this expense on the 'lønsystem' account. If your company is obliged to pay VAT you will have to make sure that the account you choose for this post has a 25%-VAT code, so your bookkeeping system can keep track of your VAT-expenses.

Nettoløn (Net Wage)

(Expense in the financial account)

The net wage, which is paid out to your employee's bank accounts, will be posted on this account by Salary. Usually, you'd make sure that this account is equivalent to the bank account in your bookkeeping system.

Personalelån (Staff loans)

(Asset in the balance)

If you pay your employee in advance, Salary will automatically presume that this is a short-term staff loan. If you have asked Salary to retain an amount from an employees wage, then we will post it on this account so it will equalize a former, manual created post of the payment of the advance payment

Skyldig A-skat (A-tax liability)

Skyldig AM-bidrag (AM-contribution liability)
Skyldig ATP (ATP liability)
Skyldig Pension (Pension liability)
Skyldig Feriepenge (Holiday pay liability)
Skyldig Ferietillæg (Holiday supplement liability)
Skyldig Barsel (Maternity leave liability)

(Liabilities in the balance)

If you have any liabilities to SKAT, ATP, or others, then Salary will post these liabilities on one of these accounts depending on the nature of the liability. If you've set up automatic transfers with Salary (you do that by creating a NETS-agreement) Salary will even make sure that the payments of these liabilities are also posted in your bookkeeping system

Skyldig løn (Wage liability)

(Liability in the balance)

If you have not set up automatic transfers with Salary, then Salary will post the wage liability on this account. Therefore you will, yourself, have to post the payment in your bookkeeping system when the payment happens

Udlæg (Outlays)

(Liability in the balance)

If you make an outlay, Salary will post the amount on this account. It is, however, your responsibility to post the supporting expense post as an expenditure in your bookkeeping system, but you can use this account as a counter account for this posting.

Kortfristet gæld (Current liabilities)

(Liability in the balance)

If you have got Salary Basic or Salary Premium, but you do not have automatic transfers set up, then Salary will post the price of using the Salary system on this account.

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