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The tax card is missing

What are the reasons that a tax card can be missing?

Veronika Wisniewski avatar
Written by Veronika Wisniewski
Updated over 2 weeks ago

There can be a different reason why a tax card is missing in Salary. Below, these are listed and explained

New employee

Right after having created an employee in our system, we do not receive a tax card. Skat sends it to us after some time, usually a couple of hours. So if you have just created the employee, do not worry if you have not received any tax card yet.

Wrong CPR-number

If you have inputted the wrong CPR-number for your employee, then we cannot receive any tax card for him/her. If that has happened, you will receive a notification about this in Salary. You need to find and correct the CPR-number and thereafter request a new tax card by going to Employees -> Choose the employee -> Choose Tax cards -> Choose Request a new tax card:

No tax card at all

If you get the notification No tax card it means that an employee has not made his/her Preliminary income assessment in TastSelv. This usually occurs for younger employees who have never been employed before or for employees who, beforehand, were self-employed.

When the employee does not have a tax card they will be taxed 55% in A-skat. In order for the employee to get a tax card, he/she will have to go to TastSelv and do their Preliminary income assessment. When that is done we will automatically receive the new tax card, however, it can take several days. Therefore it is important to make these changes well in advance of the payroll's due data. Your employee can read more about this here

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