If you higher the salary as you know it (fixed salary and hourly salary)
As a bonus (one-time pay)
You’ll want to use the Bonus when you are going to pay an extraordinary salary or if you are going to make a one-time payment. If you want examples on when to use the Bonus, please contact the support and we will help you!
When creating a bonus, you’ll be able to choose between 3 types of bonuses:
Ordinary bonus (a-indkomst) - this is the exact same as a salary.
G-dage (use this if the employee leaves the company)
Udbetaling from SH/fritvalgskonto
In order to make the bonus, go to Employees - Choose the employee -> Choose Give bonus:
Create the Bonus:
When you have clicked on Create bonus, you’ll have to choose the date for the payment, what kind of bonus, and the amount:
Still unsure about Bonuses? Watch this video (ONLY DANISH):