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Registration of absence
Veronika Wisniewski avatar
Written by Veronika Wisniewski
Updated over 2 weeks ago

If you have employees with holiday pay, make sure that you remember to register absence, whether it’s a holiday, sick leave, or another kind of absence.

You can register absence in two ways: Either by clicking on Employees -> Choose the employee -> Choose Absence. Or by going to Registrations -> Absence.

You can see the number of saved vacation days for each employee. If the number of vacation days you register is higher than the number of days available the salary will be deducted accordingly for the employee.

If you register a Day off you as the employer will pay this absence. If you register Unpaid absence the employee will pay for this (deduction of salary).

If one of your employees is leaving for the holiday, and this person doesn’t have saved vacation days, you should avoid registering the absence in Salary since this will deduct the salary.

It is not possible to register absence during weekends and calendar holidays.

If you haven't registered for vacation days and an employee is terminated, you’ll risk paying. So remember to check, when you terminate an employee:

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