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How to create an expense/outlay in the employee app
How to create an expense/outlay in the employee app
Veronika Wisniewski avatar
Written by Veronika Wisniewski
Updated over 2 weeks ago

If your employer has switched the Expenses/outlay feature on, you’ll be able to create outlays in the Medarbejderapp. You’ll use this feature only if the company has to pay you back for what you have bought.

Click on ‘Add Expense’ to create a new expense.

It’s possible for the expenses to have 3 different statuses: Draft, Awaiting approval and Approved.

If an expense/outlay has the status Draft, it means that the expense has not been sent, and therefore the expense won’t be approved.

If an expense/outlay is awaiting approval, it means that another employee/or accountant has to approve it in order for the expense to be added to the salary as a bonus.

When an expense/outlay is approved it will be paid out together with the salary at the end of the month (if you as an employee have made the expense on behalf of the company).

Add expenses

In order to create an expense/outlay, you’ll want to take a picture of the receipt or choose the from the camera roll on your mobile phone.

Afterward, you’ll have to fill out the following and send it to approval:

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