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Create employees via Contractbook
Create employees via Contractbook

If you want to create employees via. Contractbook, you will have to integrate Salary and Contractbook.

Veronika Wisniewski avatar
Written by Veronika Wisniewski
Updated over 2 weeks ago

When you have set up your integration between Salary and Contractbook (read more about that here) you can create employees via. Contractbook.

In the menu 'medarbejdere' you can click 'tilføj via ContractBook' and you will receive a list with all the contract templates from ContractBook. Search for and choose the contract you need and click 'gå til Contractbook'

ContractBook will then open in a new window and you can create the contract as usual in Contractbook, sign it, and send it to your employee.

When both employer and employee have signed the contract you will now be able to create the employee in Salary by clicking the menu 'integrationer' -> 'Contractbook' and from there clicking the icon on the right side, as shown in the picture below:

Salary will automatically import all the possible parts of the contract to the Salary system. If some parts are left out in the import, you will always be able to find the contract information in the box to the right, the 'ContractBook-felter'. Se the picture below:

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