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Where to find different reports from the Salary system

Veronika Wisniewski avatar
Written by Veronika Wisniewski
Updated over 2 weeks ago

You can find several good reports in Salary regarding your company's wage data.

As of the 11th January 2021, we have the opportunity to download the following reports:

Wage report, company level (Lønrapport, virksomhedsniveau):
Your total wage expenditure in the chosen period, including the expenditure specified on different posts such as AM-bidrag, A-skat, Net Wage, etc.

Wage report, employee level (Lønrapport, medarbejderniveau):
Your total wage expenditure in the chosen period, but shown for each employee. Includes specification of the expenditure on different posts as in the company-level report.

E-indkomst report (E-indkomstrapport):
A report which shows what Salary has been reported to Skat (E-indkomst) for each employee in the chosen period.

Holiday report for the transition period to the new holiday legislation (Ferierapport for overgangsåret):
This report shows the gross amount saved to Feriefonden in the transition period from 01/09 2019 to 31/08 2020

Employee report (Medarbejderrapport):

A report which shows all your employees in Salary, including their master data.

Wage report (Lønrapport):

Total wage expenditure in the chosen period divided into every employee

Driving compensation report (Kørselsgodtgørelsesrapport):

This report shows the registered driving and the compensation in the chosen period. It is divided into employee-level data

Time registration report (Tidsregistreringsrapport):

The report shows the registered hours in the chosen period. Divided into employee-level data

Absence report (Fraværsregistreringer):

A report showing the registered absence in the chosen period. Divided into employee-level data

Outlay report (Udlægsrapport):

A report showing all the registered outlays in the chosen period. Divided into employee-level data

How can I find these reports?

1) There are two ways to find the reports. Either by being on the front page -> Scroll down to Payroll report -> Select Go to Reports. It is also possible to find it through Company -> Reports:

2) From here you will be sent to a page, where you state what kind of report you want to download and for which period you want data. You simply choose a report from the drop-down-menu:

3) Press Download Excel and see your report.

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