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Integrate Salary and Meneto
Integrate Salary and Meneto

How to make sure that Salary automatically can post pay-roll-related items in Meneto.

Veronika Wisniewski avatar
Written by Veronika Wisniewski
Updated over 2 weeks ago

1. Write your contact person at Meneto and get an API-key from them

2. Log onto Salary and click the menu 'integrationer'

3. Hereafter, choose 'skift regnskabsintegration' in one of the four upper bars. When you have clicked this bar the integration process will begin. First, choose Meneto as your bookkeeping system. See below:

4. Click 'videre til forbindelse'

5. Insert your API-key from Meneto in the bar as shown below:

6. Click 'videre til næste skridt' and click 'videre til kontoplan'

7. The mapping between Salary and Meneto is done automatically, but you should, however, make sure that it seems correct. Optionally you can contact your Meneto contact person to make sure that it is correct.

8. When you have made sure, that the mapping seems correct, click 'gem ændringer' in the lower, left corner

9. You have now set up your integration and all items regarding your payrolls in Salary will now automatically be posted in Meneto

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