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Future contracts

It is possible to make planned updates/changes to an employee's contract

Veronika Wisniewski avatar
Written by Veronika Wisniewski
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Many contracts often contain agreements about when certain pension contributions, bonuses, etc. will enter into force. Beforehand it was not possible to make these changes to the contract before the changes went into force, but now it is possible to make future changes about what to be updated in the contract and when it will be applicable

This is how you make a 'future' contract in Salary.

1) Choose Employees -> Choose the employee -> Employment -> Choose Create future contract:

2) Choose the contract that the futures contract shall be based on (as a default we choose the current contract) -> choose when the futures contract shall be applicable from -> Choose Create future contract:

3) Now make your changes to the future contract the same way as you would make changes to an existing contract:

4) Now simply wait for the time to pass. When the date for the future contract to go into effect arrives, the system will automatically update the contract itself.

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