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Add hourly rates and wage supplements
Add hourly rates and wage supplements

How to add multiple hourly rates and wage supplements (incl. variable wage supplements) in Salary

Veronika Wisniewski avatar
Written by Veronika Wisniewski
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Salary has, as a default setting, created a limited number of possible hourly rates, wage supplements and variable wage supplements under each individual employee. These can be added under Employees -> Select the employee -> Employment -> Scroll down to "Remuneration":

However, some companies need the option to add more hourly rates, wage supplements and/or variable wage supplements. This guide will show you how to do that:

Go to Company -> Payroll -> Choose "Modify wage types":

From this page you can add both variable wage supplements and more hourly rates:

If you add an hourly rate, you will then have the option of adding a description, a specific rate and a time frame for when it applies. Note: This is only possible if you have enabled it under Company -> Advanced -> Time based supplements on wage types

The new hourly rate can now be added to the individual employee under Employees -> Select the employee -> Employment -> Scroll down to "Remuneration".

If you add a variable wage supplement, you only need to add a description.

The new variable wage supplement can now be added to each individual employee as described earlier. Upon adding it to the employee, you will be asked to specify the exact supplement rate:

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