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Wage supplements in Salary
Michael Boman Hvid avatar
Skrevet af Michael Boman Hvid
Opdateret over en uge siden

You can create different types of wage supplements depending on the needs.

There are 4 different types of wage supplements:

For both fixed salary and hourly paid employees:

  • A fixed wage supplement including an amount that is paid periodically

  • A fixed wage supplement including both an amount and a rate paid periodically

For hourly paid employees only:

  • A fixed wage supplement based on the total amount of hours registred, across all rates

  • A fixed wage supplement based on the total amount of hours worked, only for one rate (for example overtime)

You can choose and edit the wage supplements by choosing Employees -> Choose the employee -> under Employment -> Edit Remuneration:

Still unsure about wage supplements? Watch this video (ONLY DANISH):

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