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What transactions do Salary make for me via. Overførselsservice?
What transactions do Salary make for me via. Overførselsservice?

"How come there is a transfer on my bank account with the text INFO-OVF60900?"

Thomas Qvist avatar
Skrevet af Thomas Qvist
Opdateret over en uge siden

When you have signed a transfer agreement with Overførselsservice , Salary will, automatically, make sure that taxes, net wages, ATP, pension, etc. are paid timely. Salary asks Overførselsservice to transfer money on your behalf from the bank account connected with the Overførselsservice agreement.

You can always recognize these transfers by one of the following texts:

  • Lønoverførsel: This is the transfer of the net wage to your employees and the transfer of the payment made for the usage of Salary. There will only be one transaction per wage period from your connected bank account. This transfer will include the sum of the net wages and payments to Salary.

  • INFO-OVF60900: This payment includes payment of A-skat and AM-bidrag for the last month. The money is transferred directly to your 'Skattekonto' at SKAT. You will be able to see the amount on skat.dk in the menu by clicking 'Betaling og skattekonto' -> 'skattekontoen'. The money, which we have transferred on your behalf, will appear here at the latest 5 weekdays after the transaction.
    If you are a small company then this transfer will happen on the 10th of each month, however, as an exception, this will happen on the 17th in January. If the banks are not open that day, then the transfer will happen the next weekday.
    If you are a big company then the transfer will be made on the last day of the month. Read more about what defines a small and big company here (DANISH)

  • INFO-OVF61800: This payment consist of ATP. ATP is to be paid each quarter and the payment sums the three preceding months' ATP and transfers directly to ATP. You will be able to see that the money has been received by clicking yourself to virk.dk. The payments will show up here at the latest five days after the transfer has been made
    The payments of ATP will happen on these dates:
    Q1: 7th February
    Q2: 7th May
    Q3: 7th August
    Q4: 7th November

  • INFO-OVF62400: This is a payment of holiday pay to Feriekonto.dk. Here, you will also be able to see that the money is received by Feriekonto at the latest 5 days after the transfer has been made. Salary will make sure, that you pay holiday pay to those employees who save it up when working. The payments to Feriekonto will be made on these dates (or the next coming weekday if banks are closed on the date):
    Q1: 7th February
    Q2: 7th May
    Q3: 7th August
    Q4: 7th November
    If one or some of your fixed paid employees quit in a given month, then Salary will make sure that the value of any paid holidays, which are saved by the time the employee quits, will be transferred to Feriekonto. This transfer of the value of the saved holidays will happen on the 7th in the second month after the employee quit/was laid off. I.e. if an employee quits/is laid off in February we make a payment of the value of saved holidays on the 7th of April

  • INFO-OVF63100: This is a payment of pension to your chosen pension company. Depending on which pension company you have chosen, the payment of pension can be included in the 'Lønoverførsel' transfer instead of showing up as a separate transfer with this text.

Remember, you can always see what transfers Salary is going to make and have already made by going to Company -> Transfers. Alternatively, you can find the transfers for each payroll by clicking the payroll under Payroll -> Select transfers:

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