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Department manager access and approval

This guide will show how to grant a department manager access to his/hers employees and the employees' registrations

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Skrevet af Sofie Vestergaard
Opdateret over en uge siden

With department manager access and approval, you can now grant department managers access to the parts of Salary only dealing with the employees of his/her department and nothing more.

This means that the department manager can update contracts for his/her employees, approve the registered hours and the registered holiday. But the department manager can neither make changes to nor see, other things that this. (The payroll i.e.)

This is how to grant a department manager access:

(Be aware, that it is very important to choose 'afdelingsleder' when granting access. Otherwise, the department manager will be granted access to all the information in Salary)

First, go to Company -> Choose User administration -> Add a new user by selecting Add user:

From here:

1) Choose Department manager from the drop-down list and type in the E-mail to receive the invitation and the departments to grant access to. (You need to create departments in Salary before granting a department manager access to Salary).

2) The department manager will receive an e-mail with a link he/she needs to use in order to create a user and log onto Salary or simply to log onto Salary if he/she already has an existing user.

3) The department manager will now be able to log into Salary and will only be able to see his/her employees, their contract, and registrations, and the department manager will be able to approve the registrations made by the employees and register any absence.

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