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Where to find different reports from the Salary system

Sofie Vestergaard avatar
Skrevet af Sofie Vestergaard
Opdateret over en uge siden

You can find several good reports in Salary regarding your company's wage data.

As of the 11th January 2021, we have the opportunity to download the following reports:

Wage report, company level (Lønrapport, virksomhedsniveau):
Your total wage expenditure in the chosen period, including the expenditure specified on different posts such as AM-bidrag, A-skat, Net Wage, etc.

Wage report, employee level (Lønrapport, medarbejderniveau):
Your total wage expenditure in the chosen period, but shown for each employee. Includes specification of the expenditure on different posts as in the company-level report.

E-indkomst report (E-indkomstrapport):
A report which shows what Salary has been reported to Skat (E-indkomst) for each employee in the chosen period.

Holiday report for the transition period to the new holiday legislation (Ferierapport for overgangsåret):
This report shows the gross amount saved to Feriefonden in the transition period from 01/09 2019 to 31/08 2020

Employee report (Medarbejderrapport):

A report which shows all your employees in Salary, including their master data.

Wage report (Lønrapport):

Total wage expenditure in the chosen period divided into every employee

Driving compensation report (Kørselsgodtgørelsesrapport):

This report shows the registered driving and the compensation in the chosen period. It is divided into employee-level data

Time registration report (Tidsregistreringsrapport):

The report shows the registered hours in the chosen period. Divided into employee-level data

Absence report (Fraværsregistreringer):

A report showing the registered absence in the chosen period. Divided into employee-level data

Outlay report (Udlægsrapport):

A report showing all the registered outlays in the chosen period. Divided into employee-level data

How can I find these reports?

1) There are two ways to find the reports. Either by being on the front page -> Scroll down to Payroll report -> Select Go to Reports. It is also possible to find it through Company -> Reports:

2) From here you will be sent to a page, where you state what kind of report you want to download and for which period you want data. You simply choose a report from the drop-down-menu:

3) Press Download Excel and see your report.

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