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Payment deadlines, tax and AM-contribution
Payment deadlines, tax and AM-contribution

Due to the corona situation, Skat has postponed payments of tax and AM-contribution two times

Thomas Qvist avatar
Skrevet af Thomas Qvist
Opdateret over en uge siden

Below you are able to get an overview of all the postponements of tax and AM-contribution payments:

First postponement:

  • The original due date for March 2020, the 14th April is not postponed

  • The original due date for April 2020, the 11th of May, is postponed to 10th September 2020

  • The original due date for May 2020, the 10th of June, is postponed to the 12th October 2020

  • The original due date for June 2020, the 10th of July, is postponed to the 10th November 2020

  • The original due date for July, the 10th of August is not postponed

Second postponement:

  • The original due date for August 2020, the 10th of September, is postponed until the 29th of January 2021

  • The original due date of September, the 12th October, is postponed until 31st of March 20201

  • The original due date of October, the 10th November, is postponed until the 31st of May 2021

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