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How to make your first payroll in Salary
How to make your first payroll in Salary

This article describes what you should be aware of when making your first payroll in Salary

Veronika Wisniewski avatar
Written by Veronika Wisniewski
Updated over 2 weeks ago

When your company has been approved by the Salary support team and your company has been registered as an employer, you are able to make your first payroll in Salary. Below you will find a three-step guide to how you will be able to make sure, that your first payroll is correct.

1. Check that Salary has obtained your employees tax cards

When you create a new employee in Salary, we automatically obtain the employee's tax card from Skat. Usually it takes about an hour or two before the tax card arrives and is ready for use in the system. If you approve the wage without a tax card in Salary, your employee will be taxed at a rate of 55%. A reason why your employee's tax card may not show up can be that you have inputtet a wrong CPR-number. Read more about reasons why your employee may be taxed 55% here

2. Register and/or approve work hours for your hourly paid employees

Before the work hours for your hourly paid employees will be included in the payroll, these need either approval (of registered via. Salary's employee app or via. another time registration software program), or they need to be registered manually. You can manually register work hours in the menu Registrations -> Time registrations before you approve the payroll. Read more here

3. Approve the salary

When all employees are created in the system, tax cards have been obtained and work hours registered, you can approve the pay roll. See here how you approve the pay roll in Salary. If you have created an Overførselsserviceaftale the deadline for the approval of the payroll is the secondlast banking day each month before 10 AM (7AM if you use NemKonto). Do you approve the payroll after the deadline, the net wage has to be transferred manually to the employees.

If you approved the payroll too early and you wish to make corrections, you have the opportunity to reopen the payroll before the deadline. Read more here. Be aware that if you reopen an already completed payroll after the deadline date, there will automatically be generated new payslips for your employees and certain transfers may have to be made manually, since the deadline for automatic transferring may be already due.

Invite your employees to the employee app

If you are a Salary Basic or Premium customer, you can invite your employees to our employee-app. In that way they will have an overview of their payslips, registered hours, absence and more. Read about how to invite your employees to the employee app here and read more about what your employees are able to do in the employee app in this link

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